Learning How to Be Aware of Your Surroundings


In this day and age, you can’t afford to not be aware of your surroundings. It doesn’t matter if you’re strolling around the block near your home or walking across a busy parking lot after getting groceries, you must be aware of your surroundings. The world has become a dangerous place. Not only do you […]

Drunk Driving in a Borrowed Car

tennessee bail bonds

Drunk driving is always bad, but getting caught driving while under the influence of alcohol while using a friend’s car, things become even more complicated. If you were simply pulled over, the issues associated with the fact you were in a friend’s car may be minimal. The biggest headache is that the car will likely […]

Avoiding Road Rage in Tennessee

tennessee bail bonds

Road rage is a serious problem and it doesn’t show signs of getting better. According to the American Automobile Association, approximately 200 murders and 12,000 deaths over seven years were linked to road rage incidents. The NHTSA reported that 66% of traffic fatalities were the direct result of aggressive driving and road rage. The Zebra […]

What You Need to do to Prepare Yourself for Court

knoxville bail bonds

For the most part, your lawyer will take care of the majority of court preparation over the days and weeks leading up to your court date. However, on the actual day itself, you will need to do a few extra things to prepare and present yourself properly. Your lawyer will also give you some tips […]

Make Sure you Choose a Reputable Bail Bonds Agency

nashville bail bonds

When you learn that one of your loved ones has been arrested and needs you to help them secure a Tennessee bail bond, the kneejerk reaction is to call the first bail bonds company you see and sign a contract. Granted, there is a chance that this could work out in your favor and you […]

What Kind of Driving Is Worse Than Drunk Driving?

knoxville bail bonds

Driving is something that pretty much every single adult does every day. They drive to get to work, to run errands, and take their kids wherever they need to go. Driving is such a part of everyone’s day to day life that no one really bats an eye at it. Everyone is used to driving, […]