Things That Can Get You Kicked Off a Plane

bledsoe county bail bonds

Every once in a while, the media gets hold of a story about someone getting kicked off an airplane. One of the most famous of these cases involved Alec Baldwin who got into an altercation with a flight attendant while he was playing a game on his tablet. While these stories often seem funny when […]

The Truth About DUI Checkpoints

blount county bail bonds

A majority of drunk drivers are caught because they’re driving erratically and catch the eye of an officer who’s on patrol, this creates a loophole that allows drivers who are technically above the legal blood alcohol level, but still in good control of themselves to often evade detection and arrive home safely. Unless they encounter […]

What Happens if You’re Summoned to Appear as a Witness in a Trial

bedofrd county bail bonds

It doesn’t matter if the prosecution or the defense thinks you’re a valuable witness, the process is the same for both sides. The first thing they will do is officially summon you to appear. This is done through a formal process in which a court representative hands you the information about how you’re required to […]

The Benefits of Hiring a Good Criminal Defense Attorney

anderson county bail bonds

One of the biggest decisions you have to make after you’ve been charged with a crime is deciding if you should hire a private criminal defense attorney or if you should take advantage of a public defender. The correct answer is going to vary from one person to another. That being said, there are several […]

4 Facebook Scams You Should Know About

knoxville bail bonds

Most of us spend a surprising amount of time on Facebook. We love posting about the exciting things taking place in our lives, we enjoy looking at the photos loved ones share, and we often treat it like an interesting party line that provides a legal way to spy on the lives of others. We […]

What to Do If You’ve Been Accused of an Internet Crime

nashville bail bonds

In 2018, the Cyber Security Breaches Survey revealed the shocking news that approximately 43% of all businesses fell for some sort of internet crime. The costs associated with these crimes really added up. It’s estimated that in Tennessee alone, businesses collectively lost more than $214 million to internet crimes. And businesses aren’t the only ones […]

The Cold weather is Here: Winter Weather Driving Tips

nashville bail bonds

Winter weather has arrived in Tennessee and that makes for some treacherous driving. This becomes even more problematic when combined with the fact that so many people will be traveling for the holidays. Due to this fact, it is very important for all drivers to be prepared to handle inclement weather while on the road […]

Beware of Current Animal Rescue Scams

murfreesboro bail bonds

A lot of people out there love animals. This is why so many people own cats, dogs, and other critters. Typically, animal lovers will do whatever they can to help animals, especially those in need. It is a very admirable quality. Unfortunately, some bad people out there have figured out how to take advantage of […]

Determining if You’re Dealing with a Stalker

knoxville bail bonds

Many of us assume that stalkers are something that only celebrities have to worry about, but that simply isn’t true. Every single day, there are reports of ordinary people being bullied, harassed, scared, and even killed by stalkers. According to Oxygen, 7.5 million Americans struggle to deal with a stalker each year. In 75% of […]

Keeping Your Black Cat Safe This Halloween

nashville bail bonds

Life isn’t easy for black cats. The fact that they often don’t photograph well combined with all the poor unlucky mythology surrounding them increases the odds of a black cat spending its entire life in a shelter. People who have a black cat that they love get especially nervous around Halloween. The fear is that […]