The Tennessee Bonding Company Has Your Back

davidson county bail bonds

If a person is lucky, they can go their entire life without ever needing to know a thing about bailing someone out of jail. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. For some people, there is a close friend or family member out there that struggles to stay out of trouble. One day, they call with […]

Need a Bail Support Group?


Surrounding one’s self with good friends is one of the most important things that a person can do. Good friends will always be there to offer their support and guidance whenever it is needed. They are reliable. You know you will always be there for them, and vice versa. You can count on one another […]

Making Calls from Jail


Calling someone is easy, you go on your phone and press their name and it dials it for you. However if you’re in jail, it’s not that simple. There’s a different system in how to place a call. This is something most people don’t know, but it’s important that you do. Making a jail call […]

Do You Know How to Bail Someone From Jail?


When asked, most people have no idea what they would do if they found out that one of their friends or family members had been arrested. This is a scenario that most people never even consider. They do not want to think about someone they care about getting arrested, and as such, they do not […]

Help Your Loved Get Out of Jail


Some of the best moments in life come from spending time with loved ones. This means that the worst moments in a person’s life usually occur when they are forced to be away from their friends and family members. This is one of the many reasons why being stuck in jail is so miserable. No […]

Make Bail Easy


Bail is never something people plan on needing, but unfortunately, it does become necessary from time to time. Even if you don’t need it for yourself, there may come a day when one of your friends or family members gets arrested and calls on you for help. If you care about this person, you will […]

Some Common Bail Questions


When it comes to dealing with bail, people tend to have a lot of questions. After all, this isn’t a topic that most people discuss. It definitely isn’t something that is taught in most schools. So how does a person learn about bail? Well, aside from going to school to become a bail agent, the […]

First Thing to Do When A Loved One Gets Arrested


The first thing that you do when you discover that a loved one has been arrested is figure out how you are going to help him. Unfortunately, you do not have enough funds to pay for the bail alone, luckily there is a cheaper alternative. Instead of posting the several thousands of dollars on your […]

Know Your Rights


Inmates are people too. Regardless of the crime committed or the time left to serve on their sentence, inmates are human beings that deserve to be treated as such. Across the nation, inmates are granted basic human rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution. Whether you are facing prosecution or you have a family […]

Avoid Stress With the Tennessee Bonding Company


The practice of taking a step back and counting to three while taking deep breaths is a pretty good one. It is a great way for a person to calm himself down in a stressful situation. A tough situation could be anything from dealing with your least favorite co-worker, to finding out that your friend […]